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Efforts to extinguish the Japan Nuclear

Workers raced to repair the damaged reactor while the temperature in all 6 fuel storage pool at the complex Fukushima Dai chi. Nuclear below boiling point, showing that efforts to cool the water the fuel rods used in reactors to work.Using a helicopter equipped with infrared equipment, officials determined that a pool of six reactor plant is under 100 degrees Celsius (212 Fahrenheit), said Minister of Defense of Japan Toshimi Kitazawa last night.

nuclear industry regulators in Japan and the United States says one of the biggest risks in Fukushima, the worst nuclear disaster in 25 years.

Japanese Self Defense Forces and firefighters from Tokyo has poured thousands of tons of water from the fire department, water cannon and helicopters in the reactor 3 and 4 for six days, in an effort to replenish the pool of storage.

Tokyo Radiation

Radiation is measured in Tokyo, 220 kilometers (140 miles) south of Fukushima, declined yesterday to 0.0480 per hour microgray 3:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. local time yesterday. In Kitaibaraki City, located between Tokyo and parts of damaged plants, radiation was 0.783 at 15:00, down from over 1 microgray reading on 18 March. X-ray radiation typically has 50 micrograys.

Shifting winds and rain will bring the radiation released from the complex Fukushima inland and deposit of radionuclides in soil, Austria Center for Meteorology and Geophysics Agency reported yesterday, citing United Nations data.

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