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Jakarta Build 7 Underground Tunnel.

The Jakarta administration will build an underground pedestrian tunnel at some point in the capital. This tunnel to link the office building with a network of mass rapid transit (MRT) or business centers. The plan seven crossing will be built underground.

According to the Head of Spatial DKI Jakarta, Wiryatmoko, underground pedestrian tunnel would also be utilized as a commercial area with excellent investment value.

"Later in MRT stations that was 20 feet below ground. It could be we made three floors of commercial area," said Wiriatmoko in Jakarta, Wednesday, March 30, 2011.

One example that is of the Hotel Nikko to the Plaza Indonesia shopping center. Later the people no longer need to wade through pedestrian bridges (JPO) because it provided an underground pedestrian tunnel.

"Later, under the existing shopping centers. The bridge crossing is on top of that we avoid, except at the edges," he explained.

As is known, the cellar master plan still requires a legal basis. Because the master plan the basement entrance in the draft Spatial Plan for the Underground (RTRW) DKI Jakarta in 2010-2030, which until now has not been validated.

Thus, reveal Wiryatmoko provincial government will pursue discussions for completion as soon as possible this year due in early 2012 was to start doing the MRT construction. "This year is scheduled to be completed," he said.

If the law passed this year RTRW, then there will be Governor's Decree that regulates the use of the underground layout. Use of this underground layout will also involve the private sector using a system of public private policy (PPP).


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