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Quickly shut down Windows with a double-click [WinXP]

You can create a shortcut on your desktop that allows,you to quickly shut down Windows with a double-click instead of having to use the Start menu.
When you create a shortcut to shut down Windows,you can have Windows count down a specific number of seconds before shutting down or you can have Windows shut down immediately. If you set Windows to count down before.... shutting down, a warning dialog box appears when you double-click the shortcut.

The warning dialog box counts down the number of seconds left before the computer will shut down, If you set Windows to shut down immediately instead of counting down, the warning dialog box does not appear when you double-click the shortcut and Windows shuts down immediately.
The shortcut you create for shutting down Windows works just like any other shortcut.
You can rename or delete the shortcut the same way you would rename or delete any file.
You must be logged on to Windows as a computer administrator to use a shortcut to shut down Windows.

follow this step by step:

- Right-click a blank area on your desktop
- Click New.
- Click Shortcut to create a shortcut on your desktop.
- The Create Shortcut dialog
- To have Windows shut down immediately when you double-click the shortcut, and type shutdown -s -t 00

NOTE: To have Windows count down for a specific number of seconds before shutting down, type the number of seconds instead of 00 in step 4.

- Click Next to continue
- Type the name you want the shortcut to display on your desktop.
- Click Finish to create the shortcut

TRY THIS..!! You can create shortcuts on your desktop that allow you to log off Windows or restart your computer. Perform the steps below, except in step 4, type “shutdown -l -t 00” to have the shortcut log you off Windows or type “shutdown -r -t 00” to have the shortcut restart your computer.

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