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FIFA has approved the Corinthians to wear his new stadium

Sao Paulo: Corinthians FIFA has approved plans to wear his new stadium to host World Cup matches in 2014.
In a statement FIFA did not explain if the Corinthians Stadium will host the Opening World Cup 2014. World soccer authorities had wanted the Stadium of Sao Paulo, as a main place of the opening party.

But the plan was not followed when the Morumbi Stadium got rejection because of lack of financial guarantees from the organizers. Brand-new stadium Proposalpembangunan Corinthians mendapt momentum last month when officials announced that the city of Sao Paulo, Brazil the federal government approve tax incentives for the construction of the stadium.

Tax incentives would help Corinthians increase seating capacity from 48 to 65 thousand seats. This is sufficient to make a stadium where he played the World Cup.

Sao Paulo, Brazil's largest city has no representative from the Morumbi stadium failed to get permission. Last week a report from the Non-Governmental government says Brazil needs to improve services at airports, infrastructure, and a main stadiums before World Cup 2014

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